Create smart contract on BEP20 with vesting and lock

I want to create a smart contract on BEP20 blockchain.
We will mint 100.000.000 tokens and distributes as follows:
5% to team with 12 months lock and vesting 5% / month / team member
10% to early investors with 9 months lock and vesting 10%/month/investor

How I can implement lock and vesting this in the contract ? Do I need to create a different smart contract for every wallet? We are 4 people in team so every team member should have in their wallet 1.250.000 locked for 12 month and then allowed to spend every month 62.500 tokens. Same for investors.
I want every investor to have tokens on his wallet on metamask or trustwallet when private sale round is ended, locked then for 9 months and vest 10%/month.
Can someone help me to create this contract for money ? PM if you can with the price.
Thank you.

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Hope you are doing well.

I would like to assist you with your requirement, please reach me on Skype to discuss further.

Seth R