Solc AST generator

I’m trying to obtain an AST from a solidity contract
I cannot find anyway to achieve that using solc

I saw on previous versions there were --ast options in command line
or other ast commands…
Now i cannot find any of that

Tried also doing an input json with the contract but i get

Cannot retry compilation with SMT because there are no SMT solvers available.
every time…

Is there a way to obtain an AST using solc ?


There are many ways to achieve such output. For example:

  • solc path/to/Contract.sol --ast-compact-json returns AST in a JSON format.
  • solc path/to/Contract.sol --ir-ast-json returns AST of Intermediate Representation (IR) of contract in a JSON format.
  • solc path/to/Contract.sol --ir-optimized-ast-json returns AST of optimized Intermediate Representation (IR) of the contract in a JSON format.
  • solc path/to/Contract.sol --combined-json ast returns a single JSON document containing the AST.

You can use solc --help and search for all the options you can use to get the AST.