Solidity v0.8.16 is released! - Fixes an important bug, and adds more gas-efficient overflow checks for addition and subtraction

We just released Solidity 0.8.16! Version 0.8.16 fixes an important bug. On top of this, the release includes several minor bug fixes and improvements like more gas-efficient overflow checks for addition and subtraction.

:floppy_disk: Release Version 0.8.16 路 ethereum/solidity 路 GitHub
:open_book: Solidity 0.8.16 Release Announcement | Solidity Blog

Head Overflow Bug in Calldata Tuple ABI-Reencoding

This bug may result in small parts of dynamic tuple components being inadvertently zeroed during ABI re-encoding when the last component is a statically-sized uint or bytes32 calldata array.

See the security alert for all details:

Spread the word! :bird: