Translations: Portuguese ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น Coordination Thread

Hi guys!

I realized some of you kicked off the Portuguese / Brazilian :portugal: :brazil: translations or are interested in supporting. Feel free to use this thread to coordinate if needed!

Hi! Iโ€™m Brazilian! I can help with that.

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Great! @brunommpreto is in the lead here so maybe he can let you know what the current state is. The repo for the Portuguese translations is here:

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I can help with Portuguese from Portugal! Just let me know where to start.

Hi @PedroD! :wave:

I think the current maintainers are unfortunately unable to take a more active role, so it would be highly appreciated if others could take over!

You can find all info on how to get started in the Translation Guide.

As far as I can see, the work on the Portuguese translation has not been started yet, so what you could do is
a) Update the Portuguese repo docs to reflect the state of the current Solidity version (pt-portuguese/docs at main ยท solidity-docs/pt-portuguese ยท GitHub vs solidity/docs at develop ยท ethereum/solidity ยท GitHub)
b) Pick a task from the Translation Progress Checklist and start translations :slight_smile: